Y'all, catnip is dangerous. It can take a good, honest, hardworking cat and make him like this:

If you don't talk to your cats about catnip, who will?
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Little did I know when I turned a page and came upon this passage well over a decade ago that my children's lives would be immeasurably ...
Thats a great shot! I don't like cats anyway.
good, honest, and hardworking.
What a great shot
That is a cute picture!
Shoot, so he wants to be a mechanic when he grows up!! Good grief!
I personally feel most of the best ideas cats receive are conceived while they're tipsy on catnip, so put me in your paper. c-:
OK, everyone! The Shieldmaiden is SO excited that she is finally getting some comments to a post that she is doing the Charleston while yodelling!
SO let's give it up for The Shieldmaiden! C'mon, barrage her with comments, folks!
He does look hilariously like a mechanic!
And cats really have no shame do they?
This reminds me of a present I have for you-hoo! I think I shall send it tomorrow. I bought it today as it was screaming your name at me and embarressing me in public. I bought it to make it shut up...people were looking.
More yodelling, Shieldmaiden? Please? And a photo to boot?
(love the cat, btw. poor thang)
We got a cat! :( But he is a mouser.
Hahaha! That's really funny! Yeah Catnip isn't so good!
He looks like he's suffocating under the table!
Btw, you have 'Paddle to the Sea' on top of the table. Do you enjoy that book? I don't. I hate it with all my inner rath!
The Booksncoffeehaus clan laughed heartily at fat kitty's reposing posture. Having two cats ourselves, we have seen similar sites.
It's really funny, and moreso the longer we look at it!
Too cute. But I better not let my kitty see it... you know, bad influence and all!
Our cat is spastic enough without the catnip!
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