December 10, 2005

Many Happy Returns

Fa-So-La-La and the Shieldmaiden

Today is Queenie's birthday. . . she is 32.

Actually, age is rather pointless in dear Mamadah's case. Because she is one of those rare and blessed individuals to whom age is nothing but a number, and who measures people by other standards instead. She is our best friend, our teacher, our mentor, our counsellor, and partner in crime and drama.

Thank you, thank you, for everything you do for us, and we love you dearly. Smoochums!


DrSmyth said...

happy birthday Aunty!
(first commenter-oh yay!)

Lynn Bruce said...

Thank you, sweet girls. You cannot imagine how much I love you.

And I'm guessing the Beehive Faithful are calculating that I couldn't possibly be chronologically 32, so I suppose an explanation is in order...

When Fa-So-La-La was a tow-headed little girl, she informed me that she liked me exactly-perfectly-precisely 32, and that she would prefer it very much if I would agree to stay that age forever. DEAL, I said.

And I still feel exactly 32, so I guess it worked. Now if I could just convince my crow's feet...

Androphenese said...

ok. i get it. so, to make up for my forgetfullness, I will go ahead and let you know, that I bought your present YESTERDAY!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, dear Aunt Lynn!

Oh, me. We've had fun times. Chocolate, mattresses, wedding tables, grocery stores, wax lips, pajamas, Mexican food...Good times.

You've been there for me through thick and thicker. You've made me t-shirts, and talked with and encouraged me on numerous subjects. And you laugh with and at me...everyone needs a friend like that.

I love you so much!

So, when I'm, like, 32...we can be, like, 32 together!!!

Elvis said...

I do believe I can claim the best sung Happy Birthday for Marilyn and Monroe. (lol)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Queen!

I sent your present a couple of days ago....did you get it?

I hope know how unreliable UPS can be these days.
Well anyway we wont worry about a little ol' present mixed up in the mail I mean they are trying it being the holidays and all.

Happy birthday!

Lynn Bruce said...

-- yo yo Ludwig, you shouldn't have... but hey, way to go! ;-) So didja get me the pipe? Tribal cooties, ma frin. ::huggums::

-- Eugenius, I'm here to provide maintenance for ya through thicker and thickest, but next time I vote we ditch the nasty mattresses and try more chocolate. ::diggums::

-- Peach babe, that was a mondo beyondo performance. Please have Marilyn & Monroe call to sing to me more often. And yes, it's definitely time for another round of Magmatch. ::maggums::

Great big fuzzy love to all of you, and in the immortal words of Eeyore, "thanks for noticin' me."

Owl of the Desert said...

Happy Birthday, dearest Queen! I hope it has been most wonderful! Love ya lots and hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I probably know you less than the others, but you still have touched my life! Thanks for the great conversations and that stone! It should come in handy during my finals this week...

Larry said...

Feliz Cumpleaños! A birthday is a wonderful thing. Thank you for the many, wonderful contributions that come from this blog. Blessing on all the days of your life!

X said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you had a fun day.

monolog said...

I might as well join the adoring mass and say happy birthday.
Happy Birthday!