July 19, 2005

It's not just ME, Fa-So-La-La...

My dear girl, thou who wearest flip-floppeths from February through November and hath even been spotted wearing them ONCE in church...(how did you make it to the car without the Queen noticing?)... please go post-haste to read this.


fa-so-la-la said...

SEE? SEE? It's not just me!
Weeeeeell, I will admit that it is just a bit tacky to wear the blessed shoes to meet ol' W, but I have to stick to my guns....
As for last Sunday, that was perfectly explainable. My two pairs of heels that were the right color for my skirt were too high, making the skirt an awkward lenght. My pair that was the right height was the wrong color. And my flats were the wrong color, and also looked very clunky. So you see??? It was either wear flip-flops or look like something in a fashion-don't column!!

Of course, if you are concerned about this, you COULD take me out to get new shoes.........

TheHeadGirl said...


The HeadGirl is heartily sick of flip flops. She feels like the only flip-flopless girl around... this lack of such faddish footware is not what causes her to despair, though. She actually finds them quite uncomfortable. It disturbs her that so many her age think them attractive; that they feel somehow clever for wearing something every brainless twit on the street is wearing; that they feel forking over so much money for a bit of colored styrofoam is worth the glory; in short, that people even find these noisy beasts attractive.

Ahhh, Fa-so-la-la, how I have been beguiled. You, who should know better, fall in with that crowd of flip-floppy-females. I must needs weep for lost visions of high minded friends.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry HeadGirl, but I can't agree there. Fa-sol-la is above the fads of the day...believe me, I know her quite well. I will say I am an avid flip-flop fan. I wore them constantly (that is, whenever I wasn't barefoot) before they became such a popular thing. I do object to them being worn on dressy occasions where respect is required (such as church or when one goes to the White House) and certainly formal. I do not fork over the moolah for them. I buy the two dollar kind at Wal-Mart, wear them paper thin and then buy some more. However I do have a couple pair that are more substantial (one pair is very nice, made of leather, with a flower, too cute actually), that I take care of.
But if one finds them uncomfortable, that is certainly understandable. I wear them because they are as close to barefoot as one can get and still enjoy the advantages of shoes.

Lynn Bruce said...

I should probably clarify that I also adore flip-flops. But I do try to be discerning about when and where to wear them. One should never wear them in a place where respectful silence (or even just considerate non-obtrusiveness) is called for -- a library, church, a fine restaurant, the WHITE HOUSE (for pete's sake!). No matter how much you love them, it remains that they make a distracting noise.

And that's where Fa-So-La-La and I have had a few moments of, shall we say, cognitive dissonance.

I have at least five pairs, ranging from cheapy beachy ones from Target to a dressy pair of heels with straps covered in abalone-shell buttons. Quite ooh la la. But I still wouldn't wear them meet the W.

I now begin to suspect she dons them on inappropriate occasions simply to wrangle a shoe-shopping adventure out of the flustered Mamadah... hmmmmm...

fa-so-la-la said...

Amen, K!
And Mamdah, MY flip-flops are not NEARLY as noisy as yours, probably oweing to the simple fact that they are considerably smaller!
:laughs wickedly and runs off on small, dainty feet:

TheHeadGirl said...

I like sandals, just not flip flops... I guess it's mainly just a reaction to the flip-flop rage that has overtaken the country right now, and because I really do find them uncomfortable.
Several other friends have informed me that I'm wrong on that count (comfort-level) but since I have funny shaped toes I guess I must just believe y'all and continue on in my sandaled bliss.

ithchick said...

Flipflops are wonderful, especially the fake bamboo kind. They are as close as you can get to bare feet. You can have a closetful of shoes without spending a lot, if you get the cheap but cute Walmart varieties. And I know very few girls who can function without their black Old Navy flipflops!

Leslie Noelani Laurio said...

I guess I'm reeeeeally out of the loop. I don't own even one pair of flip-flops, and the article was my first clue that they're popular.

I'm not really a shoe person.

Lynn Bruce said...

Tim's mom-- you poor thing! Go to walmart and get you some wicker-bottoms. They're wonderful.
Ithilian Princess-- I personally prefer blue flip-flops, and they work for me because everything in my closet is blue!

fa-so-la-la said...

Sorry, that last comment was from me, Fa-So-La-La. I'm on the Queen's computer...

Anonymous said...

Dearest Queen,
As well you know, I am a fan of the flip-flop. And I do, in fact, wear them to church. Particularly the ones that have gold glitter on them, because they go so well with my myriad bohemian-style skirts. And you just cannot wear heels with those skirts. So Fa-so-la-la may be excused ONLY if she is wearing said bohemian-style skirt. Get it?

p.s. I miss everyone. Being a grown-up is really tough. And I had to shop for furniture with my future in-laws, and I think that was MEAN. That is all.

ithchick said...

This is Pippilotta Delicatessa Macrimenta Windowshade Ephraim's Daughter Longstocking (formerly Katwoman.)

Firefly... Seaking of girdles, let's always endeavor to keep them clean and fair. ;-)

theheadgirl...Really! Just because somethings fashionable (or even a fad) doesn't mean that it's not cute (excuse me, Fa-So-La-La--pretty). Long straight hair is so fashionable, that some girls go to lengths to straighten their gorgeous curls and grow out their hair to achieve the fashionable do. You don't see me getting a perm because my hair is the straightest God ever squeezed out of the spaghetti machine.
Sorry, that's just always the way I pictured God making hair.

Blair...I have a Darling pair of black wedge heels that are SO cute with my black bohemian skirt. Especially if I wear it with a black shirt and a kiwi green sash. Hah. ;-)

ANyone else notice that THermodude, Darkside, Promise4 and other such bloggers have not put a single comment on this packed entry? Hmmm...

fa-so-la-la said...

Pippi, my friend, yet another simialarity. When I was little I thought God used a play-doh machine too!

Anonymous said...

I once went barefoot to church. :-| I wore shorts and a junky tshirt, too, so I definitely felt a little heated under that oh-so-stretchy collar. Protip: Don't do what I did.

Lynn Bruce said...

Oh my. Please do not provoke the Queen to write a heated post on young men not dressing like gentlemen for the worship service.

One would not want the minister to show up looking like he's headed for a volleyball game. Shouldn't the minister expect the same level of respect for the house of God from the other men present?

::fanning herself in shock::

QS, who would swat her son if he ever showed up for worship in a t-shirt, or in any shirt untucked for that matter...

Anonymous said...

is that a picture of you? if it is, i know who you are. oooooooh!
(yes, i jnow i have no caps, but i am henpecking as my other arm is employed in holding a very sleepy stinky 6year old in my lap)


Lynn Bruce said...

Pippi, I think we know who you think Firefly is... she does look like a mutual friend of ours... but I doubt you know Firefly, who is a homeschool mom who knows me through Ambleside Online.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone has ever considered this, but aren't flip flops immodest? They practially *demand* the attention of all those who notice them and, I dare say, spark compar-iss-sons which not all of us emerge feeling altogether "well". Ipso facto, those who have a regard for the feelings of others will definitely from this time on wear shoes, jah?

Anonymous said...

Why o why are there mostly only girls commenting on this post.

polemic turtle said...

Because most guys don't have the nerve to tell them that flip flops are immodest and cause people with ugly feet to cry. That's why, if you must know.

beatrice said...

Um...I was not aware that flip-flops were immodest...is it immodest to show your feet?
And, if so, why did you go to church barefoot?

polemic turtle said...

I was hoping you would just be nice about it, but nooooo... you couldn't let dying dogs die off camera, could you? Had to make me carry my worldview to it's climax, didn't you? Well, I could still trump you! I could just NOT ANSWER, hahahah! But that would be uncharacteristic of me.

. . .

I could have been temporarily insane, I guess. I dare say it'll probably never happen again, unless I become temporarily insane again. It happens, you know. ;-)

Tim said...

I don't think flip-flops are immodest. At one time women were supposed to cover their feet and ankles, but that's no longer the case. I don't find that flip-flops draw undue attention from me. There are other things that I have much more of a problem with.

As far as their appropriateness: wearing them to the White House, no; wearing them to church, yes--at least, it depends. At the White House your outward appearance is the only thing you have to convey respect. If you are careless with your appearance, it comes off as disrespectful.

At church, there are two parties to consider: God and the church itself. I think God could care less how you were dressed as long as your heart was right (for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart). Therefore I don't think it's inherently wrong to wear flip-flops to church. But it depends on how the rest of the church looks at it. If it causes someone to stumble, then you definitely shouldn't. Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with it.

Of course, follow this logic too far and you could ask--why should we dress well for church at all? Because our dress *is* a means of showing respect. And when we come before our Heavenly Father publicly, we should want to look our best. But it is mostly for the benefit of the church: we ourselves are before God every minute of every day, no matter how we are dressed.

polemic turtle said...

It sounds like you know what you're talking about.. Oh, well.. My new anti-flip flop philosophy is dead before I got any members. ;-)

A note to those who may not have interpreted my statement as I intended: All of that was tongue-in-cheek.

Lynn Bruce said...

Aha, turtle boy... I get it now. You were merely enjoying a round of devil's advocate as regards footwear. Aha.

::slips away barefoot to check the deadbolts::

polemic turtle said...

I also think women should wear gloves.. :-|


Anonymous said...

Flip-flops are a gift from heaven but they are no better than going barefoot. No, barefoot is better I think because you eventually will be able to walk over anything because of the roughness of the bottom of your foot. So ha!

polemic turtle said...

Can you walk over water? :-|

Anonymous said...

I think you just have a contrary nature.

polemic turtle said...

What a fowl statement that is, dearie. ;-)

I'm tired, aren't I? Hehe, don't mind me.. I'm just about to go start my chainsaw. My, uh, chainsaw for the forest I must chop down tonight, while I sleep. Yes. *whimpers as he falls down. sister probably posted this message, despite his authoring it*

Anonymous said...

What you wear on your outside generally is a pretty fair (though easily misinterpreted) representation of the condition of your heart. Think about it. Though it should not be disregarded, it's still not the most important thing.
