You Beehive readers are quite the shoe connoisseurs! By far the most comments we've ever gotten was on a post about flip-flops. And then there was that picture we posted of our new Myrna Loy Shoes which we continue to hear about a full year later. You people are serious about your footwear. (And we respect you for it.)
So I guess we could have expected that the main thing all of you would notice in Beatrice's birthday pics yesterday was those shoes. She wore them to church last night, and I'm afraid none of the little girls at church paid proper attention to the sermon. That Sort of Shoe.
Since the birthday pic didn't really do them justice, I decided to provide you fellow footwear aficionados a better look.
Ginger Rogers would be so proud of you, Beatrice.
WOW! Those are pretty awesome friend, yea, I can't stop looking at them.
oh my! ADORE! i LOVE them! ::gives girly sigh::
Now those are SOME shoes.
Ooh la la!
This is a MUCH better picture! Where in the world did you find them? I absolutely love them!
Felicity (age 3) said, "No! Go back to the shoes!" when I tried to scroll away from the picture. Then she asked if she could get some for Christmas.
where did you find them, that's what I want to know!
very snappy!
Last year Lily and Clara went right out and had their father buy them each a pair of Myrna Loy shoes, after viewing all of yours. Now, I open up your blog in my browser and hear over my shoulder, "COOL!". Whatever am I to do?
I trot off to church wearing what some have chided me as "Amish" clothing. My daughters sashay in behind me like they are walking into a big band dance hall. I tell you, you are corrupting my daughters! ;)
They're so unique, and awesome!
...i want some now...
One pair of shoes to rule them all...
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