July 2, 2005

Epidemic Conceit

I don't know how Peggy Noonan manages to write my own plodding thoughts into essays that sparkle with clarity and purpose, but she's been doing it so long that I am just learning to accept it, and be grateful for it.

Don't miss this one.

"I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit." Eccl 1:14


fa-so-la-la said...

Oh gracious that was wonderful! Peggy Noonan is a master of well-timed nonsense, just like A A Milne. "Little grey feathers and bits of corn came through my TV screen, and I had to sweep up when they were done." Ah, perfect, perfect.

Headmistress, zookeeper said...

The Head Girl insisted I come read this.=)