February 18, 2005

The Beehive (The Great Scot makes his debut!!)

In an effort to make myself known in the Beehive, I am posting this introduction and comment about some of the preceding posts. While I have no objection to the glorification of authors who write about women of insignificant family connections who attempt to raise their standards of living and position through marriage, or who write about a wealthy woman who cannot resist meddling in the personal lives and affairs of other people while being wholly blind to her own problems, or who write about elderly homeless men who choose to cavort with hairy-toed individuals of diminutive stature, I believe that this misses the point about true valor and nobility.

For a truer presentation of what is good and noble, you must look at the illustrious career of Horatio Hornblower. This gentleman shows us that loyalty, fealty, honesty and fighting the French is the path to a rewarding life and vocation. HH, as he is affectionately known to his followers, always put the good of country and his fellow man before his own cares, concerns and career. He teaches us valor, daring and chivalry and the wisdom of prior and thorough planning. HH is the epitome of truth, justice and the American Way .....er.... the English Way! There are those among you who may scoff and malign the motives and some of the actions of HH, however, such comments would be through a lack of understanding and comprehension of the true greatness of this warrior knight.

To summarize my intentions and thoughts with regard to this Beehive, I leave you with the immortal words of Captain Hornblower when he first meets Lady Barbara, the sister of the Duke of Wellington. He states, "Um .......er....... Hmph!"


Anonymous said...

It was a "breakfast epiphany" of comparable import..., which is to say, of import proportionate to the level of brain cell viability at that hour. Having discovered and read The Beehive only last evening, I had puzzled over the name, trying to pull together a meaning relative to the noms de plume...as sort of a thematic puzzle, if you will. A literary reference perhaps? A secret family *buzzword* (...ahem) for insiders only?

However, knowing certain family members' fondness for random thinking, I did not purpose to stay on the puzzle--do or die, if you will. Which is to say, I had a very satisfying night of sleep, thankyouverymuch.

It was seeing this post from the Great Scot that jiggled my brainwaves; that brought revelation and resolution. Of Course! Bee. B! B! B for Bruce, and therefore B-Hive.

What may have been obvious to some, had escaped me; I was trying too hard. It was a forest and trees thing, you see. I know this family well, (I flatter myself); so well, in fact, that I had ceased to think of them with a last name. Reading words from the Scot brought it all back to me in a rush of celtic pride.

[My maiden name begins with B, and as an infant I was dubbed "Honey Bee." Now it gets interesting: The maiden name is french, but was anglicized in the 17th century, and has been a prominent and honorable British name for centuries now. On top of that, I married a Welshman. So you see, what with all this talk of Hornblower...though I'll admit it was a somewhat circuitous route.]

And while I happily count myself among those who are...."Austentatious", and while I do host a small, annual party on Aragorn's birthday, I must say I honor these astute observations of yours regarding HH, whose character you have so excellently outlined.

Would that all members of the legal profession aspire to heroes---and therefore, behavior---as (mostly) stellar as his. And since the Holy Word encourages us to follow after good example where we may, may your life continue to emmulate, in all it's noble aspects, his.

Anonymous said...

And this "Um...er...hrmph" guy is supposed to be a hero? What about the wit of the illustrious Aubrey? who, we must remember, dined with Nelson, twice.