February 20, 2005

Assistance Please

I am about to finish the excellent book that I am currently reading regarding the effect that the Scots Irish had on the development of the United States (Born Fighting: How the Scots Irish Shaped America by James Webb). However, coming to the end of this book presents me with a bit of a problem. While I attended a liberal arts university which required me to read a multitude of works of classic literature, I have never read anything by C.S. Lewis.

I realize that this admission will cause distress and unease to my Lewis-crazed children and spouse, and thus, I seek to lessen the dishonor that they may feel as a result of my confession. This brings me to my request: I would like a recommendation of the essential C.S. Lewis book to read. In responding, I would like to know your reason(s) why you recommend a particular book.

I thank you for your assistance in removing this blot from my academic record.


Anonymous said...

There are so many to choose from. Try...Mere Christianity, ooh ooh ooh, I know, read Till We Have Faces. Talk about simple tools for brain surgery. Or, here, I will attempt to be organized (which, by the way, is hardly in my nature) Non-Fiction: Mere Christianity. Fiction: Till We Have Faces or Screwtape Letters

fa-so-la-la said...

Oh, Roo, you never told me! I am torn between pity and shock.
I think you should try The Space Trilogy, which is absolutely amazingly excellent. My favorite is Till We Have Faces, but you probably would like the trilogy better. Also, Till We Have Faces is his hardest book, and you need to get used to the way he thinks and writes before you try it. I am not slighting your intellegence, which I know to be vast, just saying you might need to make friends with dear C.S. before you try his hardest work. :-)

Lynn Bruce said...

O Great Scot, you HAVE read some Lewis! Remember reading Chronicles of Narnia aloud many years ago? But you are wise to recognize that Lewis offers much beyond Narnia. Your Beehive compadres are a magnanimous lot, and we will delight in assisting you. I just finished Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, and am just beginning That Hideous Strength. Great books, but Til We Have Faces remains my favorite of his works of fiction. Screwtape Letters is a classic, and has changed many a life. I would like to read it again.

TheHeadGirl said...

"Mere Christianity" is, methinks, an absolute classic. He identifies so many crucial elements of Christianity in such a simple and forceful manner that one cannot help being impressed.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Shafer here to say that methinks that for the essence of Lewis you must get a small dose of the following:
The Magicians Nephew
Out of the silent planet
with the final dose being
Till we have faces.

Anonymous said...

L. Kitchens (AL) Hello! I, too, had not read any C.S. Lewis until recently. It was suggested to me that I read Mere Christianity first. I love the way he thorougly makes his points. He explores every objection, and gives many practical examples that had me ooohing and aahhhing over and over again. I have also been told I need to read the books Fa-so-la-la mentioned. Currently, I'm just taking in The Chronicles of Narnia. :-)

Anonymous said...

I find it shocking that there has thus far been no mention of The Screwtape Letters. I believe Thomas More said it best..."the devil...the prowde spirit... cannot endure to be mocked."

fa-so-la-la said...

To wrap this up, I shall tell you all that Great Scot has settled into The Space Trilogy, and that I shall plead with him to post his thoughts when he is done. Thank you all!