We love you to the moon and back!

all photos taken by The Shieldmaiden at The Arboretum, 5.18.06
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Little did I know when I turned a page and came upon this passage well over a decade ago that my children's lives would be immeasurably ...
oh my! beautiful!
Happy birthday, squish! I can't believe you're 17! "It seems just like yesterday you were a little tot toddling round in pink pajamas!"
"You're beautiful, you're kind, you're precious..."
Wow, girl! Your beauty has staggered me! ; ) I really like the first and fourth pictures.
p.s. I love your golden tresses!
"HIPY PAPY BTHUTHDTH THUTHDA BTHUTHDY." ... with love from deeapaulitan...
what can I say.....Happy Birthday? But everybody says that, maybe if I said merry christmas, I'd be the only one. Ok, that sounds good. Merry Christmas Caitlin!!! (I'm really saying happy birthday only like no one else is)
I like the first and fourth pictures best, too. Nice photography!
Awww, Caitlin...the last picture...cuteums!
happy birthday dahling!
Is this a debateable issue, ludwig?
: )
rather, i dont think "wow" is sufficient to describe her...hence, ?
Happy Birthday from Alabama. Fa looks like a beautiful water nymph in all but the last pic. There she is definitely striking a Shakespearean swooning pose.
beauty is on the eye of the beholder, and i am beholding it. :-)
there, does that make up for my previous comment of questionable couthness...
Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous!
HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY CAITLIN!!!!!!!!!! i love you girl!
That's better, ludwig! ;)
ZzzZZzzZZzzzZZzzzzz...huh...wha? Wake me after the intermission
Happy 17th, dearest...you look lovely!
sorry i'm late, Happy Birthday Caitlyn!!!
Happy birthday, sorry I'm late but the pictures are gorgeous just as yourself
yeah... guess what? I think you're really pretty too...
A little late, but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, thing-some!
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