Fa-so-la-laThose of you who frequent Teadrey (and a jolly good place it is, too) will find some aspects of this post rather familiar. Because I am going to show you pictures of things that make me happy. Yes, yes, I know Dan has already done this. BUT: I am not copy-catting, I actually had the idea first-- he just got around to it before I did. :-)
So here I give you a few random happy things.

Our bookcases. This picture does not even begin to show the enormity of our bookishness. We've got cases floor to ceiling on two walls of our living room crammed with books, and more laying around all over the place. I get the Beauty and the Beast feeling whenever I look at it.

Many happy hours have I spent here.

I recently came to the realisation that I am the main consumer of milk in our household. I drink it so much it's a wonder I haven't turned into a cow. It's just so....
Oh yesssss...... the #1 most inspiring sight in the world. Nothing like it.

My personal movie collection. I know it's small, but hey, can't beat the quality.

The place above my bed where I put good song lyrics. I really like the black ink and white paper and blue walls together.

Simply the most wonderful Post-It notes ever. I think they're adorable (these have notes on them for a story).

My bedside table. Claire says it's a wreck, but I think it's a good sort of wreck, the best kind. Books: An Annie Dillard collection, a book of sonnets, the notebook I write poetry in, the notebook I doodle in when I can't sleep (doodling being defined for a verbal person like me as 'writing down lots of random words'), David Copperfield, Gulliver's Travels, my Bible, Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, a collection of Wislava Szymborska (the polish-lady-poet), Complete Stories of Eudora Welty, Pride and Prejudice, my journal (which I haven't written in in three months, probably because this stack is so tall I can't get to it), the book I copy good poems into, and a Bible with study notes. The CD's are my favoritey favorites, the ones I love enough to merit them a place on this crowded bit of real estate. You can probably see what they are, but the ones not in cases are Myself When I Am Real, Michael Feinstien sings Gershwin, and a CD of various jazz/big band.

Eleven and a half years later, it's still one of my favorite school lunches. When Queenie was expecting Spuddy Buddy, The Shieldmaiden and I practically
lived on this stuff.

Our tree-top angel from when we were little. We recently got a new one, but The Shieldmaiden and I are sentimental fools and couldn't let the old gal go. She now sits atop my bookcase and serves wonderfully as a lamp.

And lastest but not leastest, our blog. Oh how I love it. It's such great fun.
Now, I have to say, that is one serious stack of stuff on your bedside table!
Oh, I wish I could look through your shelves and see the actual titles there. My most favoritest thing to do when I'm in a strange household is to look at the things on the refrigerator and the books around the house, if there be any. I love, cherish, adore, stand on one foot, throw my hands up in delight, and belch, depending on the culture, when I see books similar to those on my own shelves, for a good book influences one's thoughts for a good while and somehow it's special to think the same thoughts at different times, unlike places, and without meaning to. :-) That is why I like to read old Bibles with notes in them, because in a way, we can think alike for a while.. :-)
My house has about 6 bookshelves that stand about 6'6"; I have two in my room of my own, my father has two in his room, and we have two in the living room full of children's books, hymnals, Bibles, and my mother's medical books, most of which deal with pregnancy in some way( she is an extremely experienced scholar, I'd say! ). :-)
Oh, I'd love to talk about books! Just titles, stories, points, and wisdom gained from the same. :-X
Your bookshelves make me jealous, and your food makes me hungry. *sigh*
But you can keep all your milk. Icky stuff.
that's quite alright fa, quite alright. i'm with you on the bedside stack. mine is an eclectic mix of movies, photos, books... even if you don't use them all, it's somehow comforting just to have them there. don't know why. but it's so.
what a list. I think my fav is the food (he goes to the kitchen to do some raiding)
Oh my goodness, Finding Neverland..I am a fan to say the least. And Macaroni and Cheese, I am so glad this was on your list.
Persuasion! I always think of that time you and I and a handful of friends watched that movie one night at my house. We all swooned over Captain Wentworth and Anne. Good times!
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