April 19, 2005

I should infinitely prefer a book.......


Well, Beehive Faithful, I have been deliberating on the subject of books. Yes, I know, you are all in shock.

My deliberations have been about what to read this summer-- here is my list so far--

--The Five Red Herrings, Dorothy Sayers

--Glimpses of the Moon, Edith Wharton

--Reading Between the Lines, Gene Edward Veith

--Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift

--The Dean's Watch, Elizabeth Goudge

--The Flying Inn, G.K. Chesterton

--Heretics, " "

--Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson

--Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder

--The Complete Angler, Izaak Walton

--Short Stories of Eudora Welty

--Essays of C.S. Lewis

Questions? Comments? Complaints? And do y'all have any suggestions?

(As always, virtual M&M's to those enlightened souls who can tell me what I am quoting in the title!)


Androphenese said...

Mary Bennett, Pride and Prejudice - Vol 2. Chapter 16 ...In repsonse to Lydia's comments about the good time they had.

fa-so-la-la said...

Well! Impressive! Good to hear from you! Do you prefer regular, mini, or peanut M&M's?

Anonymous said...

LK1222: Oohh...Andrew beat me to it! Although...I wasn't sure which Jane Austen it was, I knew it had to be her! I highly recommend Treasure Island. It is one of my favorites. I suppose I have always enjoyed action and mystery stories. Eudora Welty is also interesting. :-)

Anonymous said...

Since I'm sure you'll read more than one, make sure you leave Welty on your list. You're in for a royal treat.

ithchick said...

The Count of Monte Cristo is okay, but not my favorite. I am not allowed to read the Three Musketeers, but I like the candy. (As you notice, i am not helping you, Great Scot)

I recommend Tolkien and the Critics, a collection of essays on LotR. Skip the one of struggle though, it is inappropriate. The essays are along the lines of your previous post on the themes in stories.

Anonymous said...

To this Mary very gravely replied, "Far be it from me, my dear sister, to depreciate such pleasures! They would doubtless be congenial with the generality of female minds. But I confess they would have no charms for ME—I should infinitely prefer a book."

But of this answer Lydia heard not a word. She seldom listened to anybody for more than half a minute, and never attended to Mary at all...
- - - - - -
An arguably sad part of any book is when someone is characterized as such was poor Lydia.

I fear for her future. :-(

Anyfoo, I would recommend Monster by Frank Perretti, The Great Divorce by Clive Staples L., and "I told you so" by Rush Limbaugh.

Cheers for Fears,

Androphenese said...

fa-so-la-la, i would prefer peanut M&Ms, thank you.

Lynn Bruce said...

Andrew, like mother like son, huh? Your mom taught me well the virtues of peanut M&Ms when she and I did that 24 hour non-stop editing marathon to finish the PB Hymnal on deadline last spring. Amazing thing, how all that food dye, sugar, chocolate and quality protein can all work together so beautifully to keep one awake for days on end without the usual pain.

Don't tell anybody, but I think the two of us polished off a three pound bag in one night. But the hymnal got to the publisher in time, so hey...

It's not for nuthin' that The M&M Fairy tanks you kids up on them on the last day of Boot Camp!

Peanut M&Ms Rule.

Anonymous said...

katwoman said:

Mary Bennet of course!

I believe dear, that Five Red Herrings and Reading Between the Lines have been on your reading list for at least 6 months. I would add The Giver, by...oh, I don't remember who it's by, but it's at Barnes and Noble for $6.00 :-) It's very though-provoking and you-ish. My booklist is this, I would recommend any of them.

Les Miserables--
Heretics--G.K. Chesterton
Orthodoxy-- " "
Passion and Purity--ElizabethElliot
The Lady in Blue--P.G. Wodehouse
Northanger Abbey-Jane Austen
Child from the Sea--Elisabeth Gouge
The Discarded Image--C.S. LEwis
Jamaica Inn--Daphne Du Maurier

Unknown said...

Hi everyone! I think that the sheildmaiden and fa-so-la-la should read the count of monte cristo and the three musketeers.