March 10, 2005

Spuddy Buddy Bible Study (hey, that's fun to say!)

Queen Shenaynay's father is a minister, and has an astonishing grasp of the Bible. Beehive inhabitants often call him with Bible questions. However, young master Spuddy Buddy has never requested a phone consultation with Dadaw... until today. He was insistent. Even began begging for the phone before he got his breakfast, which, if you know Spuddy Buddy, is downright unbelievable. What, you ask, finally piqued his curiosity enough to make the earth stand still until he got his momentous inaugural phone call to our patriarchal theologian?

Well, it's simple: the Bible became relevant for him today. Because today, he learned that the Lord wrestled -- WRESTLED! -- with Jacob. How cool is that? ;-)

Especially to a five year old boy.

The question? "Did God wrestle with Jacob to see if he was strong enough, or did he wrestle with him to make him stronger?" And the first part of the answer, as you might imagine, was a long, low, grandfatherly, chortly chuckle.


Unknown said...

That is wonderful for Spuddy Buddy.
He needs to be that enthuised at the whole Bible I think, but you always have to start somewhere, right?

Unknown said...
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